Smokey Quartz is an amazingly beautiful mineral and can be placed in any room of the house to purify and balance the energies. It helps elevate mood and gently remove emotional blockages. It can transform negative emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy into positive energy. It helps clear mental clutter and promotes focus. It brings calm and serenity and helps relieve grief and depression.
Smoky quartz is a macro-crystalline variety of quartz. Like other quartz crystals smoky quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral. It usually forms transparent hexagonal, rhombohedral crystals.
The name smoky quartz derives from the smoky color that ranges from grayish-brown to dark brown and even black. The smoky color results from natural exposure to radiation. It forms from free silicon that was released from silicon dioxide during the formation of crystals. Smoky quartz is a rather prevalent mineral that is mostly mined in Colorado, USA, in Brazil, Australia, Madagascar, Switzerland, and Scotland where it is considered to be a national gemstone.
Since ancient times smoky quartz was used in many cultures because it was rather easy to cut it to gems and ornaments. This beautiful crystal was considered sacred by the Druids. In shamanic cultures smoky quartz was used in rain gathering ceremonies. The gem was often found on top of the ritual wands used by some of the North American native tribes, especially the Cherokees.
Smoky quartz is considered to be a perfect stone for meditation as it helps refine the vibratory energies within body and create clarity of the mind thus facilitating access to subconscious wisdom. In esoteric circles smoky quartz is regarded as a grounding stone providing physical and psychic protection from negative energies. It can help remove negative energy and transform negativity of any kind into positive energy.
The gem is associated with the root chakra and is, therefore, believed to promote physical health of organs of the abdomen including stomach, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, and the reproductive organs.For healing purposes smoky quartz crystals can be placed on the body, especially where pain is experienced. To reduce stress it is suggested to hold a crystal in each hand and sit quietly for a few moments.