Deep Emerald Chrome Tourmaline Wand on Smokey Quartz with Blue Topaz

Deep Emerald Chrome Tourmaline Wand on Smokey Quartz with Blue Topaz


Origin: Pech, Afghanistan

Characteristics: The chrome tourmaline Wand, interfaced with a Record Keeper Smokey Quartz point, with Albite Matrix and Blue Topaz, self healed base, this crystal holds the key to Compassion. The Smokey will eliminate impurities of the heart, judgements, afflictions, self hatred, and the Chrome wand will channel the directional flow of energy, as the heart fully opens and transforms, embodying pure compassion, wisdom and honor for all kinds and circumstance. The Quartz will amplify the radiance of the effects of the Chrome on the heart chakra, healing, expanding, resonating in a place where everyone has equal right to be here, including oneself.

Properties: This is a good mudra or “seal stone” which means it feels great to hold and use for meditation and energy work. This specimen has particular magic in this department. The grip of this crystal, when held in the upright position, offers many potent healing potentialities. The chrome wand runs along the lung meridian in the hand, along the inner thumb, and the record keeping quartz points directly into Heart point 7 in the wrist, which is the Spirit Gate, the gateway to the inner most chamber of the heart. and the Blue Topaz connects perfectly with the finger tips, or the Ten Dispersions. This crystal can be used to facilitate healing disorders or imbalances in the lungs, heart, any aspect of the circulatory system and the digestive system, as the edge also pressurizes the intestinal and stomach points in the hand. The record keeper faces of the termination point suggest all of the cosmic knowledge in the crystal transfers directly to the heart, and the heart can therefore speak and encode its truth directly into the crystal. The smokey nature of this quartz filters and cleans old negative stuck dark energy, and allows for new clean energy to flow through this circuit. The chrome tourmaline energy the crystal for healing the heart and connecting it directly to the root chakra or the ground, enters this circuit and brings pure loving truth into this living reality, now. Health and freedom through acceptance, and a pure and open heart, can be experienced to all who offer their focused attention to this super charger of Heart Healing Energies.

Weight: .92lbs

Dimensions: 6x6x6

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